Varanasi Branch
Mandate of the Division
- Coordinate Training Programme on Elimination of Lymphatic Filariasis (LF) of Medical /Para-
Medical officials i.e Medical Officers/Biologists, Filaria Inspectors/ Technicians Working in
NFCP units & Urban Malaria Scheme (UMS). - Carrying out operational research & training to support National Programme of elimination of
Lymphatic Filariasis. - Support to Integrated Disease Surveillance Project (IDSP) in the State of Uttar Pradesh.
- Outbreak investigation of various Communicable diseases in the State of Uttar Pradesh & other
States as per the directions of NCDC HQ. - Services to Public through weekly Night & Day Filaria Clinic and Lymphoedema Management
Clinic of filarial patients. - Night Blood Survey for detection of asymptomatic microfilaria (mf) carriers in rural/ urban areas
of Varanasi. - Entomological surveillance for prevention and control of vector borne dieases.
Branches under Division: NIL
Details of National Programmes
National Programmes implemented through division are as under: NIL
Please upload any relevant photograph of Division:
Filariasis patients waiting for their turn during Day Filaria Clinic
Thermal screening and testing of International Arrival patients for COVID-19 at LBSI Airport,
Mosquito larvae collection during Vector Surveillance at LBSI Airport, Varanasi
Demonstration during training for Lymphatic Filariasis
Demonstration of Morbidity Management & Disability Prevention (MMDP) practices to trainees
attending LFE training programme
Ongoing lecture during LFE training programme
Ongoing lecture during LFE training programme
Staff Details
Head of the Division

Dr. Prateek Kumar Singh
Medical Officer & OIC
Other Staff in the Division

Sh. Awanindra Dwivedi
M.Sc. (Applied Microbiology)
Research Assistant

Sh. Anukesh Singh
B.Sc. (Bot./Zoo.)

Sh. Indrajeet
Insect Collector

Sh. Lalloo Ram
Insect Collector

Sh. Suresh Chand
8th Pass
Staff Car Driver (Grade-I)

Sh. Ram Jatan
6th Pass
Field Worker

Sh. Awadhesh Narayan Singh

Sh. Dheeraj Kumar
B.A. (Eng. Hons.)

Sh. Lallu Prasad
8th Pass
Animal Attendant

Sh. Haridas
5th Pass
Animal Attendant
Routine activities:
i. Night Filaria Clinic: One of the most important activity undertaken at this centre is that of
running of Night Filaria Clinic. This centre acts as local Filaria Hospital since over last 56 years
since its inception in 1965. It also acts as referral centre for diagnosis and treatment of suspected
cases of Lymphatic Filariasis.
One Night Filaria Clinic on every Thursday is being conducted at this centre. Patients are
examined and treatment/advice given during Day Clinic. Blood Smears are collected from
patients attending the Night Filaria Clinic on Thursday between 19:00 hrs to 21:00 hrs and
examined for evidence of microfilariameae.
ii. Day Filaria Clinic: Two, Day Filaria Clinics are conducted on every Monday and Wednesday
at this centre. All the patients are provided with anti-filarial therapy and they are also advised and
demonstrated proper washing and care of affected body part for prevention of ADL attacks.
iii. Lymphoedema Management Clinic: In addition to Filaria Clinic, a Lymphoedema
Morbidity Management Clinic is functioning at this centre since October 2001, as part of
programme for Elimination of Lymphatic Filariasis. Patients suffering from different grades of
Lymphoedema/other chronic manifestations of Lymphatic Filariasis attend this centre for
washing and other methods of Lymphoedema Management of the affected parts. They were
demonstrated proper foot care, hygiene and maintenance to prevent further ADL attacks.
iv. Training and capacity building: Since its inception, this centre has conducted several training
courses for Medical Officers/Biologists & Technicians/Inspectors working under National Filaria Control
Programme (NFCP) & Urban Malaria Scheme (UMS) of different Filaria endemic States/Union
Territories of the country. The duration of the training courses ranges from five working days & ten
working days depending upon the requirement of the programme. These training courses include in-
depth training on Filariology (Entomology, Parasitology), morbidity management and the concept of
Mass Drug Administration (MDA) for elimination of Lymphatic Filariasis.
Total 04 training programmes are conducted every year, 02 each, of five working days for Medical
Officers/Biologists/District Programme Officers and 02 each, of ten working days for Filaria
Research projects and Publication (With website link):
- Collaboration with BHU faculties for Research activities in the field of Lymphatic Filariasis.
- Manuscript writing regarding Drug Efficacy in Lymphatic Filariasis, case reports of Cellulitis with
ADA/ADLA and Myiasis in Lymphatic Filariasis is under process. - Research Projects:
- Completed:
- Assessment of prevalence and intensity of Soil Transmitted Helminths (STH) among pregnant women and school children
- Research projects submitted for approval:
- Assessment of efficacy of Albendazole against soil-transmitted helminthiases in school children.
- Study of NCDs (DM, HTM & CAD) in patients of Lymphatic Filariasis with acute attacks (ALA & ADLA) attending Day Filaria Clinic at NCDC Varanasi branch.
- Research projects ready for submission:
- Assessment of elimination status of Lymphatic filariasis in endemic areas of eastern Uttar Pradesh and identification of possible risk factors contributing to continued transmission after multiple rounds of mass drug administration with special reference to Wuchereria bancrofti infection.
- Assessment of Lymphatic filariasis active transmission cycle in the Culex quinquefasciatus vector mosquitoes in various endemic districts of UP state.
- Scientific publications:
- “Lymphatic Filarial Serum Proteome Profiling for identification and
characterization of Diagnostic Biomarkers” accepted for publication in PLOS
ONE (in press) (NCBI PubMed indexed, Impact Factor 3.24).
- “Lymphatic Filarial Serum Proteome Profiling for identification and
- Completed:
Laboratories/Units under the Division:
- Sub-Unit – NIL
- Sub-Division – NIL
- Laboratory:
- Parasitology Lab
- Entomology Lab
- Epidemiology Lab
Officer-in-Charge of these laboratories: Dr. PK Singh, MO & OIC
Lab/Unit details: