Staff Details
Research and Publaction
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Jagdalpur Branch
National centre for disease control, jagdalpur branch the national centre for diseases control branch at jagdalpur was established as malaria research field station in february 1979, under field operational research scheme (fors) of indian council of medical research (icmr), new delhi. the area was chosen as it forms a contiguous tribal belt of madhya pradesh, orissa, and andhra pradesh and was hard-core for persistent malaria transmission. it was under the administrative control of the director, national institute of communicable diseases, 22, shamnath-marg, delhi-54. the scheme was established with the following objectives:- to undertake in-depth study on ecology and biology of frank and potential vectors of malaria.
- to devise and demonstrate strategies of integrated control of malaria in problem areas, and
- to collect data for assessing the epidemiological response of malaria to control measures.

Mandate of the Division
- training& manpower development
- applied& operational research
- surveillance of communicable diseases
- laboratory based diagnostic services
- outbreak investigation
- water bacteriology
- sero-surveillance of under five children, under yaws eradication)
Objective of the Division
- to undertake in-depth study on ecology and biology of frank and potential vectors of malaria.
- to devise and demonstrate strategies of integrated control of malaria in problem areas, and
- to collect data for assessing the epidemiological response of malaria to control measures.
Programme Under Division
information, education and communication (iec) programme among school students on vector borne diseases
Photographs of the Division
Include any relevant photos of your division, programme, training sessions, or other activities here.
Technical Guideline
- outbreak investigation as and when requested by state government and as per instructions from headquarter/mohfw
- technical support to government of chhattisgarh, health services if and when required
- entomological survey carried out along with state health staff to support malaria mukth bastar abhiyan undertaken by state
- entomological surveillance in je affected districts to support the state
- studies on anopheline fauna and malaria prevalence in bastar district of chhattisgarh.
- llin survey in bastar district –project title phase iii field evaluation of dura net llin against malaria vector mosquitoes.
Staff Details
Staff Details
Head of the Division

Dr. Sandip Shrirang Jogdand
Joint Director/Officer-In-Charge
Other Staff in the Division

Shri T A Arvind
M.Sc. Applied Zoology with Entomology
Deputy Assistant Director (Entomology)

Sh. Radhey Lal Korram

Sh. Ijjada Siddhartha
Junior Statistical Officer

Sh. K.N.M. Bhuloka Rao
M.Sc., M.Ed.

Sh. Vemu Peraiah
B.Sc., B.Ed.
Insect Collector

Sh. Pakhiraj Panigrahi
8th Class
Multi-Tasking Staff

Sh. Gourav Saini
Staff Car Driver (Ordinary Grade)
Activities undertaken in the division
- iec programme among school students on vector borne diseases
- household survey of aedes mosquitoes in the municipal limits of jagdalpur, Chhattisgarh
- malaria diagnosis through rapid diagnosis kit
iec programme on vector borne disease control and hygiene
one day orientation programme about ncdc, jagdalpur to mbbs students of late baliramkashyap memorial medical college, jagdalpur
one day orientation programme about ncdc, jagdalpur to mbbs students of late baliramkashyap memorial medical college, jagdalpur
Cross-checking of Malaria and Filaria parasites in blood smears.
Training of lab technicians as and when requested by state authorities.
Research and Publaction
Research and Publication
- kulkarni, sm. and k.b. rajput (1985) water mites parasitic on culicine mosquitoes in bastar district, madhyapradesh, india. indian j. parasit 9(1) 63-64.
- rajput, k.b and t. k. singh (1986). someecological observations on anophelines collected from manipurindian j malar. 23: 155-158.
- rajput, k.b. and t.k. singh (1986-87) a list of the mosquitoes from manipur orient. zool. 6 & 7: 33-38
- rajputk.b and tksingh (1987) day biting mosquitoes (dipteral:culicidae) of manipur. entomon 12(1): 21-25.
- rajput, k. b. and tksingh (1987) a note on the occurrence of anophelesminimus (theobald) in manipur. entomon 12 (1):43-44,
- rajput, k.b. and t.k. singh (1987) occurrence of heizmanniaaureochaeta (leicester) in manipur, india (diptera). aktiu 92:10.
- rajput. k.b. and t.k. singh (1987) a report on the occurrence of culex (culicionia) harrisonisirivanakaran, 1977 in manipur, indiaentomon 12 (4): 373-374.
- rajput, k.b. and tk. singh (1987) a report on the occurrence of armigeres (leicesteria) dolichocephalus (leicester), 1908, in manipur, indiamosq syst. 19(3): 243-244
- kulkami, s.m. and k.b. rajput (1988) day time resting habitats of culicine mosquitoes and their preponderance in bastar district, madhyapradesh, india. j. com dis 20 (4): 280-286
- rajputk.b. and t.k. singh(1988) watermites parasitic on mosquitoes in manipur, india. indian j. parasit 12(1): 129-131.
- rajput, kb. andtksingh (1988) dusk biting mosquitoes of manipur. entomon. 13(2) 173-178
- rajput, k.b. and tksingh (1988) vertical distribution of mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae) of manipur. entomon 13(34) 295-301.
- rajputk.b. and b.l. tikoo (1988). new record of a pupal parasite brachymertaatridens (waterston) from tachinid parasite of antheraeaproylei jolly (lepidoptera:saturnidae) serecologia 28 (4): 581
- rajput, k.b. and t.k. singh (1988). a trap for the predoceous birds of oak tasarworms.indian silk 27(2): 17-19.
- rajput, k.b. and t.k. singh (1989) a report on the occurrence of culex (eumelanomyia)hinghungensischu, 1957, in manipur, india. mosquito systematics 21(2): 133-134
- rajput. k.b. and t.k. singh (1990) occurrence of uranotaeniamicansleicester in manipur, india (diptera) mosquito systematics 22 (3):184
- rajput, k.b and s.m. kulkarni (1987) records of culicine mosquitoes from bastar district (madhyapradesh) india(diptera: culicidae), part i. genus – taxorhynchiles, tripteroides. uranotaeniaand orthopodomia. rec. zoolsurv.india
- rajput. k.b. and t.k. singh (1990). records of anopheline mosquitoes collected from manipur with ecological notes rec. zoolsurvindia 87(3):197-206.
- rajput kb and smkulkarni (1990) records of culicine mosquitoes from bastar district (madhyapradesh) india(diptera: culicidae), part ii, genus aedomyiaarmigeres, coquillettidia, heizmannia, mansonia and mimonyia rec zoolsurvindia. 96(3):
- rajput, s.m. kulkarni (1990) records of culicine mosquitoes from bastar district (madhyapradesh) india, (diptera: culicidae), part iii, genus-aedes. reczoolsurvindia 87(1-4)*
- rajput, k. b and s m. kulkarni (1990) records of culicine mosquitoes from bastar district (madhyapradesh) india(diptera: culicidae), part iv. genus-culex rec zoolsurv. india 36:
- rajput, k.b. and t.k. singh (1990). records of mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae) from manipur genera mimomiya, coquillettidiamansoniatripteroides and uranotaenia rec zoolsurv. india 88(1-4)
- rajput, k.b. and tksingh (1992) records of mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae) from manipur. genusaedes. rec. zoolsurv, india 91(3-4) 293-302
- rajput, k.b. and tksingh (1992) records of mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae) from manipur: genus-culex rec. zoolsurv, india 91(2) 147-160
- rajput, k.b and tksingh (1992). records of mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae) from manipur: genus armugeresandheizmania rec zoolsurvindia 91(3-4) 281-286
- mathurs.k: verma. vksingh, bmk: tiwari. sk. goelr.k. rajput, khansari, md.o.a. banarjee, k.; chmurlikrishanan;sinha, b.rr.pd. and ss. sinha(1998) integrated package to boost cocoon silk production- rearing of tropical tasarind textile journal 57:
- mathur, sk;verma,vk;singh, bmk;raj.s; tiwari, s.k; goel, r.k;rajput, k.b.; ansari,oa; , banarjee, k.;ch.murlikrishnan;, shrivastava, a.k.;sinha, b.r.r.pd. ands.s.sinha;(2000) performance of integrated package for rearing (ipr) of tropical tasar silkworm, antheraeamylitta d (lepidopterasaturnidae) at different level. int. j. wild silkmoth& silk. 5: 20-24.
- anjuviswan k, tpdevanagan, radheylalkorram, sandip s jogdand, skjain, sksingh, (2019) density and susceptibility status of malaria vectors of chilkuti area, bastar, chhattisgarh. journal of communicable diseasesvolume 51, issue 4 – 2019, pg. no. 10-15
( - anjuviswan k, radheylalkorram, devangantp, vemuperriah and sandip s jogdand: (2020) synthetic pyrethroid resistance/susceptibility status of anopheles culicifaciesgiles and anopheles subpictusgrassi in telgaaarapurvillage, bastar district, chhattisgarh. international journal of mosquito research 2020; 7(4): 91-94
- water sample testing,
- entomological test-species identification
- malaria diagnosis through rapid diagnosis kit
malaria testing using rapid diagnostic kit
Contact Us
Jagdalpur Branch
Full Mailing Address:
NCDC Raipur Branch, RLTRI Campus Lalpur, New Dhamtari Road, Raipur, Chhattisgarh 492001