Alwar Branch
Mandate of the Branch: To Impart field training to different categories of medical and paramedical health personnel admitted to various training courses being conducted at National Centre for Disease Control, Delhi. To Undertake research, and provide service in the field of communicable diseases. To undertake investigation of outbreaks and formulations of measures to control. Support to various National Health Programmes such as Pulse polio Immunization Programme and other given by H.Q. Services provided include Widal test, Malaria parasite testing & water examination. Training in public Health i.e. FETP, Paramedical FETP, MPH, Malaria & NVBDCP, EIS like Courses &during health emergency situation like flood, earthquake, cyclone, tsunami, Covid-19 & outbreak/ epidemic etc. Support to intensive pulse polio programme (IPPI) & training in various courses given by HQ NCDC
Staff Details
Head of the Division

Dr. Naveen Chharang
Details of Branch Staff

Sh. Ankit Khandelwal
Junior Statistical Officer

Sh. Gajanand Yadav

Sh. Amit Meena
B.Sc., B.ED
Upper Division Clerk

Ms. Palak Joshi
Laboratory Attendant

Sh. Pappu Ram Jatav
- During last 5 year 567 Widal test was done at NCDC, Alwar of only referred cases from Dist. Hospital
- During last 5 year 532 MPH test was done at NCDC, Alwar of only referred cases from Dist. Hospital
- During last 5 year IPPI programme was conducted under which 652 doses of IPPI were given to children at NCDC, Alwar.
- During Covid-19 Outbreak investigation Dr. Naveen Chharang, OIC, Alwar with their central team visited different states/ Places like :-
- Bihar from 03-06-2020 to 07-06-2020
- Andaman & Nicobar from 18-08-2020 to 27-08-2020
- Punjab from 07-04-2021 to 13-04-2021
- Mizoram from 12-12-2021 to 19-12-2021
- During last 5 years work done in respect of LLIN project at NCDC, Alwar are as following :-
- socio demographic survey of Lily and Haldina village
- Fever survey of Lily and Haldina village
- Mosquito Density assessment of Lily and Haldina village
- LLIN Net distribution at Lily and Haldina Village
- Assessment of Adverse effect in Lily and Haldina Village
- During last 5 years different trainee/ batch came for training and capacity building of medical & paramedical persons from NCDC, Delhi HQ.
- RFETP batch – 60 trainee
- NVBDCP batch – 48 trainee
- EIS batch – 1 trainee
- MPH – —
- Proposed Land :- Knowledge City North, Jaipur 10,000 sq. m. allotted by Jaipur Development Authority
Two flats for temporary shift of NCDC, alwar branch allotted in RUHS, Jaipur for building space.
MoU : 28.01.2022
Land transfer : In-process
DGHS Sir visit SMS Jaipur, RUHS for new MSU & NCDC, Jaipur branch establishment 12.01.2023
Covid-19 Central team member visit in Andaman & Nicobar, Mizoram, Punjab and Bihar
FETP Visit DHS, Jaipur
FETP Field Visit at Sub center, PHC, CHC, Dist. Hospital, Community, IDSP, CMHO
FETP Field Visit at Sub center, PHC, CHC, Dist. Hospital, Community, IDSP, CMHO
FETP Field Visit at Sub center, PHC, CHC, Dist. Hospital, Community, IDSP, CMHO
Research projects and Publication:
- 1 Mother and Child Service Coverage: R.S.Gupta, A.Gupta, H.O.Gupta,S.Venkatesh and Shiv Lal (Commun Dis. 38(1)2006:79-87
- 2 Oesophageal Tuberculosis : Aruna Gupta, R.S. Gupta (Vol. 101 No.6)
- 3 Epidemiology of endemic viral hepatitis in an urban area of India: J. Singh, C.Prakash, R.S.Gupta, D.Bora, D.C.Jain, K.K. datta (Bulletin WHO, 1997,75(5) 463-468)
- 4 Pre and extra marital heterosexual behavior of and urban community in Rajasthan: J.B., R.S.Gupta, Avdesh Kumar, D.C.Jain (J.Commun.Dis. 2000;32(1):33-39
- 5 An Outbreak of Non-A Non-B Viral Hepatits in Rural areas of Northern Rajasthan
- 6 Epidemiologic Consequences of Moderate Coverage Levels of Measles Vaccine in a district HQ Town (Alwar) in India, 1996: J.Singh, R.S.Gupta,D.Bora, V.R.Meena (Journal of Tropical Pediatrics Vol. 44)
- 7 Evaluation of Pulse Polio and Routine Immunization Coverage : Alwar, Rajasthan : J.B.,R.S.Gupta, D.C.Jain Devadethan and K.K.Datta(Indian J Pediatr 1997;64: 65-72
- 8 Flurosis in rural areas of Alwar (J.Commun. Dis. 35(1) 2003:48
- 9 An Epidemiological Surveillance of Acute Flaccid Paralysis in Alwar (J.Commun.Dis.34(4)2002:304
- 10 soil-Transmitted Intestinal Helminthes Infections in Urban and Rural Areas of Alwar, Raj. (J.Commun.Dis.34(4)2003:306)
- 11 Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa,: A. Gupta, R. S. Gupta
- 12 Community Perception of Mosquitos and Mosquito Control in some areas of Urban Delhi and Rual Alwar, Raj.: S.M. Kaul, A.K. Varma, D.C. Jain, R. S. Gupta (J. Commun. Dis. 27(4): 215-222 (1995))
- 13 An Outbreak Of Viral Hepatitis in Jodhpur city of Raj. , : R. S. Gupta, D. C. Jain, Shibani, V. R. Meena (J. Commun. Dis. 27(3): 175-180 (1995))
- 14 Cholera Outbreak in Rural Arears of Souhern Raj. (J. Commun. Dis. 34(3): 2002-228)
Details of Laboratories/Units:
- Laboratories/ units under the Branch:
Lab/Unit name: Brach Lab, Alwar
Officer in Charge of Lab/Unit: Sh. Gajanand Yadav
Lab/Unit details: Vidal test, MP slide test
Laboratory division, NCDC, Alwar
a) WIDAL Test for Typhoid – 24 hrs (kit available)
b) MP(PBF) for Malaria – same day (kit available)
2.Sample referral form – Test referred from district hospital
3. Name and contact number of officials/officers
i) Dr. Naveen Charang, Joint Director & OIC
Contact no. -0144-2700716
i) Sh. Gajanand Yadav, Technician