Bengaluru Branch
1. MOU signing for Land to NCDC Branch in Bangalore
Sri. Randeep, IAS, Commissioner HFW, GoK, handed over MoU & LD to Dr. Rajesh, Sr. Regional Director, ROHFW, Bengaluru & OIC NCDC Bengaluru, for land to Establish NCDC Karnataka State Branch.
Plague Surveillance at International Seaports
Ship inspection by NCDC, Bangalore Team along with PHO to assess the regulatory mechanism undertaken to ensure ZERO rodent activity onboard
Rodent /Ectoparasite Sample collection by NCDC Bangalore Team
Rodent dissection by NCDC Bangalore Team for harvesting Spleen & Liver for Plague bacteriology
Bangalore Airport Surveillance for Aedes Mosquito vector by NCDC,Bangalore team
Training on Plague Surveillance organized by NCDC, Bangalore
photograph of Branch
Staff Details
Head of the Division

Dr.Rajesh L Kademani
Sr.Regional Director ROHFW Bengaluru & Officer Incharge, NCDC, Bengaluru
Details of Branch Staff

Sh. Anok Melvin Marshall
M.Sc, M.Phil
Research Asst

Smt. Srilatha K P
Research Asst

Smt. M.Malini
Laboratory Assistant

Sh. Shivakumar S Titti
Laboratory Assistant

Mr. Joshua.J.G, (
Lower Division Clerk
Activities under taken in the branch:
- Coordination with the endemic state Plague Control Units & International Seaports for Plague Surveillance work
- Laboratory activities: Plague Bacteriological & Plague Entomology
- Training conducted by NCDC Bengaluru:
- Five days training program on plague surveillance was conducted from 12th to 16th September 2022, at NCDC, PSU Bengaluru. A total of 17 participants from State Plague Control Units (SCU) of plague-endemic states have participated in the training program.
- On-site sensitization and hands-on training on plague surveillance activity were conducted by NCDC Bangalore during the field visit to Plague endemic states and international seaports. A total of 37 staff of various Port health organization/port trusts have been trained during 2022-23
- Facilitated in conducting WHO training programme on vector borne disease with Emphasis on mosquitoes, ticks & mites’ 12th to 23rd December 2022 at NCDC, Bangalore branch.
- Yellow fever vector surveillance at International Airport, Bangalore is undertaken during pre-monsoon and post monsoon period.
Research projects and Publication (With website link): nil
Details of Laboratories/Units:
Laboratories/ units under the branch: NCDC, Bengaluru Branch|
Lab/Unit name: Plague Surveillance Unit
Officer in Charge of Lab/Unit: Dr.Rajesh L Kademani, Sr.Regional Director ROHFW Bengaluru and Officer In-charge, NCDC, Bengaluru
Mandate of the Branch:
- Plague surveillance in Erstwhile Plague endemic states and at International Seaports of the country.
- Coordination with plague endemic States and International Seaports of the country.
- functions as state Sentinel lab for Dengue/ Chikungunya testing.
- Investigation of disease out-breaks occurring in the region.
- Co-ordination with functioning of IDSP in Karnataka state.
- Training of health Professionals.