Programe for Prevention and Control of leptospirosis
Leptospirosis poses a significant health challenge in India, particularly in coastal regions. To tackle this issue, the Government of India initiated a Pilot Project on Prevention and Control of Leptospirosis during the XI Five-year Plan. The success of this pilot paved the way for the launch of the Programme for Prevention and Control of Leptospirosis during the 12th Five-year Plan in endemic States and Union Territories, including Gujarat, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Karnataka, and the UT of Andaman & Nicobar Islands. Subsequently, based on epidemiological analysis, the program expanded to include Uttar Pradesh, Assam, Goa, and the UTs of Dadra Nagar Haveli, Daman & Diu. Presently, the program operates in 10 States/UTs, covering a total of 114 districts, with approval under SFC for FY 2021-22 under Scheme F of the NCDC Umbrella Scheme
Objective: Reduction of morbidity and mortality due to Leptospirosis.
- Development of trained manpower for Leptospirosis diagnosis, case management, prevention &control and inter-sectoral coordination
- Strengthening surveillance of Leptospirosis in human.
- Strengthen diagnostic capacity of laboratory in Endemic States.
- Create awareness regarding timely detection and appropriate treatment of patients.
- Strengthening inter-sectoral coordination at State and district level for outbreak detection, prevention, and control of Leptospirosis.
Major Activities and Achievements
- Advocacy for strengthening of patient management facilities in States for improving the preparedness at all level for managing.
- Training of Master Trainers on Leptospirosis case management
- Laboratory Strengthening by providing GIA to 5 medical institutes for diagnosis of Leptospirosis
Activities undertaken by NCDC in 2018-19
Monitoring and review: Review meeting of State Nodal officers of programme states & SSOs of Flood affected states held on 28th Sept 2018 at NCDC Delhi. States were asked to strengthened the activities under programme including leptospirosis surveillance, improving case management facility for patients and expediting the financial expenditure under the programme. State of Kerala, Gujarat & UT of Andman & Nikobar have submitted the activity report, action plan and fund utilisation.
Surveillance: Regular surveillance of presumptive and lab. confirmed cases of leptospirosis is undertaken though IDSP and monitored under the programme.
Technical Support to states: Advisory was issued in July 2018 under the programme from Director NCDC to all flood affected states on preventive and control measures to be undertaken for Leptospirosis. Visit to Mumbai Maharashtra& Karnataka in Aug &sept2018 for review leptospirosis control activities.
IEC activities: IEC material (Radio spots and Radio Jingle) under Programme for prevention and control of Leptospirosis (PPCL) was prepared through NFDC.
Intersectoral Coordination: Follow up is being done with states to constitute and operationalize state and district level zoonotic committees for One health for prevention and control of zoonotic diseases including leptospirosis.
Financial support to states: Approval from Ministry and IFD for fund transfer amounting to 52 lakh to states ( Kerala & Gujarat ) obtained however the fund transfer could not completed in FY 2018-19
Impact of the Program:
Although the programme is still in its nascent stage but it has been able to sensitize the state Governments about the significant public health impact of the disease. The surveillance of the disease has been strengthened and cases and outbreak are regularly reported through IDSP portal.Deliberation of National Review Meeting for Leptospirosis

Advisory & preparatory checklist leptospirosis 2019
(1132 KB)
Minutes of the meeting of N-TAG for PPCL held on 13 June 2019
(508 KB)