Kozhikode Branch

Mandate of the Branch:
- Manpower development
- Outbreak investigations and control
- Research
- Specialized services
- Other Activities
Staff Details
Head of the Division

Dr Ananthesh B G
Assistant Director & OIC
Other Staff in the Division

Smt. Anushree SB
Research Assistant

Smt. Anila Rajendran
Research Assistant

Shri. W. Tamizharasu
M.Sc, D.M.L.T

Shri. V.R.Rajesh
Lab Assistant

Shri. N.B.Narayana
Lab Assistant

GopalaKrishnan K.B
Graduation Diploma in Information Technology
Laboratory Attendant

Shri. Sahadevan A

Shri. Amarnath M

Shri. Joshua Jeevanand G.

Shri. Rohan Mehra
Hr. Secondary

Shri. S.Sunilkumar
7th Class

Shri. B.M.Ravindrakumar
10th Failed

Shri Lijo Varghese K.
Laboratory Attendant, NCDC
BA failed
Activities under taken in the branch
- Scheduled and Non-Scheduled Trainings on Lymphatic Filariasis and other Vector borne Diseases
- Outbreak investigations of the Communicable Diseases occurring in Kerala State.
- Surveillance of Aedes ageypti, the vector of Yelow fever/Dengue/Chikunguniya & Zika Virus in Kozhikode,Thiruvananthapuram, Kollam and Alappuzha Districts in Kerala
- Monitoring of Microfilaria prevalence & intensity of transmission among migrant labourers in Kerala.
- Study on present status of B.Malayi in erstwhile endemic pockets in Kerala.
- Cross checking of blood slides received from different District Vector Control Units of Kerala
- Treatment to Filariasis patients
- Morbidity Management and disability prevention of Lymphatic Filariasis
- Night blood smears collection from Kozhikode and Thiruvananthapuram as well as in other parts of Kerala.
- Monitor the activities of National Programme on Climate Change and Human Health in Kerala State.
- Awareness classes on Public health issues through conducting camps
- Supply of study materials and scientific specimens to various educational/training/research institutions
- Resource support to various academic institutions.
- Close collaboration and cooperation with the District and State health authorities on public health issues.
- Technical assistance such as identification of vectors of diseases received from districts and other medical institutions.
- Guidance to Post graduate students for dissertation works etc.
Research projects and Publication (With website link):
- 1
Suresh Chand Kaushik, Sukhvir Singh, Purnima Srivastava and R.Rajendran, Detection of dengue virus in Aedes Mosquitoes in Delhi, India. Entomon, 2019; 44 (3):213-218 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/337442595_Detection_of_dengue_virus_in_Aedes_mosquitoes_in_Delhi_India
- 2
R. Rajendran, S B Anusree, K Ramachandran and K. Regu. Pre Intervention Situation Analysis of Control of Vector- borne Diseases in an Urban Area in Kerala. JETIR, 2020; 7(5): https://www.jetir.org/papers/JETIR2005224.pdf
- 3
R. Rajendran, K. Regu, S B Anusree, Anila Rajendran, S K Jain, Sujeet Kumar Singh. The First COVID-19 Incidence in India: A Lesson of Struggle and Survival. Journal of Communicable Disease, 2020; 52(2): 25-31 https://medical.advancedresearchpublications.com/index.php/Journal-CommunicableDiseases/article/view/319
- 4
R. Rajendran, S B Anusree, K Regu. Seasonal variation and breeding preference of Aedes albopictus in one of the coastal districts of Kerala. International Journal of Mosquito Research, 2020; 7 (4): 78-82 https://www.dipterajournal.com/archives/2020/7/4/B/7-3-3
- 5
R Rajendran, K Regu, S B Anusree, W. Tamizharasu, Anila Rajendran. Surveillance of Aedes (Stegomyia) mosquitoes in and around International airport, Kerala- Assessment of vector control efforts., Entomon, 2020; 45(2): 135-142 https://entomon.in/index.php/Entomon/article/view/522
- 6
Rajendran R, Sheela Devi D, Anusree SB, Regu K, SN Sharma. An article “ Coronavirus: The Most Dangerous Pathogen of present Era”, Journal of Communicable Diseases, 2020; 52(4): 17-28 https://medical.advancedresearchpublications.com/index.php/Journal-CommunicableDiseases/article/view/470
- 7
Nilam Somalkar, Sushanta Kumar Kar, Sudhansu Sekhar Mishra, Nupur Ropy, Madan Mohan Pradhan, Arun Sivan, Rajendran R, Pasi AR. “Challenges in Elimination of Filariasis: New Foci of B.Malayi Infection in Odisha”, India. Journal of Communicable Diseases, 2021; 53(1): 1-5 https://medical.advancedresearchpublications.com/index.php/Journal-CommunicableDiseases/article/view/501
- 8
R Rajendran, K Regu, S B Anusree, Anila Rajendran and W Tamizharasu, Entomological surveillance of Stegomyia mosquitoes in and around Cochin Seaport, Kerala, India. International Journal of Mosquito Research, 2022; 9(2):132-138 https://www.dipterajournal.com/pdf/2022/vol9issue2/PartA/9-1-12-662.pdf
- 9
R Rajendran, S.R.Karmakar, Vinay Garg, Rajalakshmi Viswanathan, Kamran Zaman, S.B.Anusree and K.Regu. An appraisal of post flood dengue vector Aedes albopictus Skuse (Diptera:Culicidee) surveillance in a coastal district of Kerala, India. Entomon, 2021; 46(1):25-32 http://www.entomon.ambadi.org.in/index.php/Entomon/article/view/583
- 10
K.Regu,R.Rajendran, Anila Rajendran, S.B.Anusree, W.Tamizharasu and Rajesh Poduval. Entomological Surveillance of Vectors of Yellow Fever, Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika Virus at Kannur International Airport, Kerala, India. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 2021; 10(8):728-735 https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcmas.2021.1008.081
- 11
MS Sasi, R Rajendran, V Meenakshy, T Dilip Kumar, Sherly Vardhan, K Regu, SN Sharma, T.Suresh. Zika Virus: An Emerging Mosquito-borne Disease Threat in Kerala. Journal of Communicable Diseases, 2021; 53(3):201-212 https://medical.advancedresearchpublications.com/index.php/Journal-CommunicableDiseases/article/view/697
- 12
M S Sasi, R Rajendran,V Meenakshi, T Suresh, R Heera Pillai, T Dilip Kumar, Athira Sugathan and K Regu. Study on Vector Dynamics of Zika virus outbreak in Thiruvananthapuram , Kerala, India. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Science, 2021; 10(12):54-71 https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcmas.2021.1012.008
- 13
M.S.Sasi, R.Rajendran, V.Meenakshy,T.Suresh,R.Heera Pillai,T.Dilip Kumar, Athira Sugathan, K.Regu. Detection of Zika virus in Anopheles stephensi Liston, 1901 (Diptera:Culicidae) in India-First report. Entomon, 2021; 46(4):325-332 https://www.entomon.in/index.php/Entomon/article/view/643
- 14
R Rajendran,K Regu, S.B.Anusree,W.Tamizharasu. Seasonal surveillance of the vectors of yellow fever, dengue, chikungunya and zika in New Mangalure Sea Port, India International Journal of Mosquito Research, 2021; 8(3):47-50 https://www.dipterajournal.com/archives/2021/8/3/A/8-3-9
- 15
R Rajendran, Karmakar S R, Garg V, Viswanathan R, Zaman K, Anusree S B, Regu K, Sharma SN. Post flood study on incidence of Leptospirosis in Alappuzha district of Kerala, India. Journal of Communicable Diseases. 2021; 53(3):127-134 https://medical.advancedresearchpublications.com/index.php/Journal-CommunicableDiseases/article/view/656
- 16
Rajendran R,Regu K, Anusree SB,Anila Rajendran,Tamilzharasu W,Sharma SN. Need for Strict Adherence to International Health Regulations –Entomological Surveillance at Mangalure International Airport. Journal of Communicable Diseases, 2022; 54(2): 1-6 https://medical.advancedresearchpublications.com/index.php/Journal-CommunicableDiseases/article/view/1138
- 17
Haroon A, Rajendran R, Dilip Kumar T. Increasing cases of Dirofilariasis in Kerala – an emerging public Health concern. J Med Arthropodol & Public Health. 2022; 2(1):9-14 https://doi.org/10.1007%2Fs12639-013-0348-8
- 18Published report on Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) Survey on Zika in Thiruvananthapuram.
- Staining and examination of Night blood smear for Lymphatic filarial parasites
- Cross checking of Blood smears for LF parasites
- Dissection and Examination of Aedes larva for species identification
- Morbidity Management
Field Unit under NCDC Kozhikode branch:
NCDC Field Unit, Thiruvananthapuram
Laboratories/ units under the Branch:
Field Unit at Thiruvananthapuram
Officer in Charge of Lab/Unit: Smt. Anusree S B